
  • Upload the recent_entries folder to /system/expressionengine/third_party/
  • Enable the accessory via the accessories manager (Add-ons > Accessories)
  • Optionally specify who should see the accessory and where it should show up by clicking the Recent Entries link in the accessories manager


Recent Entries includes support for the Default and Corporate EE2 themes. In addition it supports custom themes: If you have a custom theme and would like to override the default styles then create a new file named yourtheme.css (where ‘yourtheme’ is, you’ve guessed it, the name of the custom theme you’re using) and place it inside the /themes/third_party/recent_entries/css folder. The file will be detected and displayed instead of the default CSS.

Showing more/fewer entries

To modify the number of entries that are listed, change the following line of code within acc.recent_entries.php:

var $max_entries 12